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It Works Skinny Wrap Review

It Works Skinny Wrap Review

This It Works Skinny Wrap review is an August 2024 update to an earlier version from several years ago. The company has since made changes to its product line, product names (i.e., previously just It Works Wraps), and marketing so this latest review will reflect these changes.

It Works Overview

The It Works website claims Skinny Wrap can “tighten, tone, and firm” your body by minimising the appearance of cellulite and improving skin texture and tightness, all in a space of 45 minutes.

This sounds great, but is there any evidence that the product can deliver?

Will these wraps give you the body of your dreams?  Will they cause weight loss?

When it comes to “results,” you must consider your own personal expectations against any real effects the product may have.

Therefore, the purpose of this review is to evaluate Skinny Wrap marketing claims against the science of what is physiologically plausible.

Who is It Works?

It Works is a multi-level marketing company that sells its body wraps (and Fat Fighter supplements) by independent distributors (i.e., “wrapreneurs” – entrepreneurs that sell body wraps).

Like most MLM products, the idea is simple enough: sell wraps, get your friends to join as distributors, and make money from ongoing downline sales.

What’s in the package?

Previously, It Works wraps were sold as a three-part package including the applicator, wrap, and defining gel. However, it appears that Skinny Wrap and the defining gel are now sold separately.

It works skinny wraps applicator

Product literature advises users to apply the Ultimate Body Applicator to different parts of the body (see image) and then wrap with “Fab Wrap” to hold the applicator in place for the 45 minute duration.

Users are instructed to reapply the product after three days (72 hours).

As of 2024, there are now only three Skinny Wraps per pack (down from four) so you have about 9 days worth of product if you were looking to use them consecutively.

Marketing claims

As stated above, the company makes a number of marketing claims mostly centered about potential changes you might experience in your physical appearance, stating that you can “expect ultimate results” (whatever that means).

Specifically, the company states Skinny Wrap can:

  • Tighten and tone problem areas “resistant to diet and exercise”
  • Improve skin texture to appear firmer, smoother, softer
  • Show results in 45 minutes
  • Give progressive results over 72 hours
  • Deliver visible, reliable results that progress with continued use

I note from earlier marketing, they’ve now removed the “cellulite” buzzword in favor of “enhances skin texture to appear firmer, smoother, softer.”

Skinny Wrap Ingredients

The Skinny Wrap ingredients list has been updated from earlier iterations of the product, but many of the key active ingredients remain the same.

it works skinny wraps ingredients list 2024
Skinny Wrap Ingredients (as of 2024)

Unless you’re a qualified botanist or organic chemist, you’re probably going to have a pretty rough time trying to pronounce the names (i.e., Aesculus hippocastanum, Equisetum arvense, and methylsilanol mannuronate).

But what are these ingredients and what the heck do they actually do?

I sat down and looked up each of these ingredients and, when taken as a whole, they exert a number of effects on the body that will cause temporary cosmetic skin tightening, moisturisation, and a bit of sweating (helped along by the physical presence of a barrier between your skin and the atmosphere.

If this sounds familiar to those thigh creams from several years ago, you’d be right.

They also use similar ingredients with similar effects but, as is the case with Skinny Wrap, they are only able to induce a temporary cosmetic change in the skin, but do not cause fat or weight loss.

All natural ingredients?

It Works advertising emphasises that its products contain all “natural ingredients.”  

This is true, some of the ingredients are as natural, as if they came out of the ground or of the tree.

But there are other ingredients such as PEG-7 glyceryl cocoate which, according to Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep website, is a synthetic polymer derived from coconut oil.  

It is used as a skin conditioning agent, emollient, and surfactant/emulsifying agent (helping ingredients mix together).  

They also add that “due to the presence of PEG, this ingredient may contain potentially toxic manufacturing impurities such as 1,4-dioxane” (sorry to all my tree-hugging hippie friends for ruining all the fun!).

Having said that, I have studied organic chemistry and I know that many of these chemical-ish sounding names are not as scary as they look.

Plus, to be absolutely fair, the relatively small amounts found in the wraps probably won’t do much harm (see my discussion below on adverse reactions).

Also, if you’re tempted by “all natural detox teas,” don’t touch them until you’ve read my reviews on Iaso Detox Tea, SkinnyMint TeatoxSkinny Teatox , and Fit Tea.

Scientific research vs testimonials

To my knowledge, no scientific studies have been conducted on Skinny Wrap (but I’m happy to consider them if they exist).

While It Works doesn’t claim there are any studies, they seem to be more fixated on highlighting testimonials.

The only thing about testimonials is that “results” can mean virtually anything to anyone, and there is no way to determine if “results” were due to the product or the person dieting and exercising.

Carefully controlled studies would define an outcome to be measured and then use experiments to determine if any results were due to the product or other factors.

Evaluation of product claims

Does Skinny Wrap really work?

As I stated in a previous article on body wraps, whether or not It Works wraps actually “work” depends on your individual expectations and definition of “works.”

There are numerous mixed reviews across the internet, with some users saying the product did nothing for them and others shouting from the roof tops that the wraps are the best thing since sliced gluten-free, sugar-free, fat-free, organic paleo bread.

However, there are a large number of distributor promotional “review” sites, videos, and social media pages, so you must be careful when taking on board their testimonials given their vested financial interest in selling the product. 

This is not to say they don’t believe what they’re saying, but it is something to keep in mind.

Expectations: Weight / fat loss vs. skin tightening

In looking at numerous user reviews across different websites, there are a lot of people who bought Skinny Wrap for weight loss.

But here’s where I smack you in the face with a wet fish of reality. When it comes to body wraps, you need to check your expectations at the door.

Skinny Wrap DOES NOT BURN FAT. And the company even says it’s a cosmetic product that must be used with diet and exercise.

Still with me?

Most slimming product companies have smart enough lawyers that keep them from making overtly false claims.  

In this case, It Works did NOT overstep the bounds of legality and nowhere did they specifically state that their wraps will cause “weight loss” or “fat loss.”

In fact, the company even states in its literature:

While results from the Ultimate Body Applicator are lasting, you can counteract the results from the Ultimate Body Applicator by eating poorly and not regularly exercising (as is true with any weight loss or body contouring results).

The bottom line: It Works and other similar thigh slimming creams do not cause, or claim to cause, fat or weight loss.

Does Skinny Wrap reduce cellulite?

Previous iterations of this product clamed that Skinny Wrap could reduce the appearance of cellulite. But as of August 2024, the word cellulite appears to have been removed and replaced with “Enhances skin texture to appear firmer, smoother, and softly contoured.”

Because the product exerts a temporary cosmetic skin tightening effect, it could plausibly reduce the appearance of cellulite, but this is not the same effect as doing exercise and eating healthier to lose stored body fat.

How long do the results last?

It works recommends using Skinny Wrap “every 72 hours for continuous and progressive results,” but doesn’t state how they determined this recommendation.

  • Exactly how long do the results last?
  • Is it always 72 hours as stated on the website?
  • Is this number based on research or anecdotal experience?
  • Is this consistent for most people?

The Skinny Wrap fine print

It Works provides the following fine print after its claims:

These results may only occur when the participant utilizes a combination of the following: the Skinny Wrap®, exercise, and a healthy diet.  Results are not permanent.

In other words, any temporary cosmetic changes to your body will return to their pre-wrap status, but any weight loss will likely be attributed to your improved diet and exercise.


In all fairness, there does not appear to be anything in Skinny Wrap that will do any overt harm to you.

But given the massive ingredient list (40 different plant extracts, oils, alcohols, and chemicals), there is always the risk of an allergic skin reaction.  

There have been reports of allergic reactions on review sites, but no stack of dead bodies from what I could find.

If you have sensitive skin and find you’re generally susceptible to cosmetics, then you should stop using the product if you have a reaction.

Where is Skinny Wrap sold?

It Works wraps are mainly sold in the United States, but it also appears to be popular in the United Kingdom, Europe, and Australasia.

How much does Skinny Wrap cost?

skinny wrap retail price
Skinny Wrap retail price in USD 2024

According to the official It Works website, a Skinny Wrap 3-pack will cost you $74 USD, with a discounted rate of $55 USD for becoming a Perks Member (for a one-time $34.99 fee), or $55 and no joining fee if you agree to a monthly subscription.

If you become an It Works distributor, then you get a 30% discount on all one-time purchases during your enrollment.

Autoship vs. one-off purchase (Caution)

There have been a number of online consumer complaints on the Better Business Bureau website about products being auto-shipped against the customers’ wishes.  

Looking at It Works’ responses to these complaints, it appears people did not read the fine print and found themselves on the short end of the stick.

There are two different ways to become a Loyal Customer:

  1. You can make a three consecutive month minimum commitment to a monthly auto-shipment order.
  2. You can enroll by making a $50 Membership Fee payment and placing a single order for product.

Is there a money-back guarantee?

In a word:  no.  

The company makes no guarantees that the wraps work.  

This basically means that once you try the product and it doesn’t work for you (or at least not to your expectations), then it’s sorry Charlie, no refund, better luck next time. 

Here is the passage from the company’s program rules:

  • It Works! products produce different results for different people and It Works! does not guarantee specific results nor offer a money back guarantee. Customers should follow the directions with each product received.

Skinny Wrap refund policy

It Works does allow for a refund ONLY IF the product is unopened and unused.

So to leave this in no uncertain terms, there is no product guarantee and you cannot get your money back if you’ve opened your product, tried it, and didn’t experience the desired results (a bit of a catch 22).  

According to the company’s program rules:

  • To receive a refund, all products must be post-marked within thirty (30) days of the ship date and all items must be in an unopened, “new” condition. The customer is responsible for all return shipping costs.

If you’re an It Works distributor and you want to terminate your relationship with the company, then you can return any unused / unopened products for a refund.

Consumer complaints

As of August 2024, It Works has a C+ rating with the Better Business Bureau (a 1.99 out of 5 star rating).This is down from its previous B+ rating in 2019.

At that time, there were 488 complaints addressed by the Bureau over the past three years. As of 2024, this number is down to 97 complaints addressed over the previous three years. Though it is not known if this is due to a reduction in complaints for a drop in purchases since its initial explosion in popularity at the time.

Company address and contact details

If you are scouring various sites trying to get a hold of the company, I managed to do most of the leg work for you.  You can try some of the following addresses and phone numbers below.

It Works Corporate Office Address
5325 State Road 64 East
Bradenton, FL 34208

It Works! Customer Service Team
908 Riverside Drive
Palmetto, FL 34221

US/Canada Customer Service Hours:
Monday – Friday 6:30 a.m. ET – 8:00 p.m. CT (GMT-6:00)
Saturday – Sunday 8:30 a.m. ET – 5:00 p.m. CT (GMT-6:00)

US/Canada Customer Service Numbers:
US Loyal Customers: 1-(800) 537-2395 or 1-786-706-1095
US Distributors: 1-952-540-5700 Canada: 1-855-560-1020

International Customer Service Hours:
Monday – Friday 6:30 a.m. ET – 11: 00 p.m. CT (GMT-6:00)
Saturday – Sunday 8:30 a.m. ET – 5:00 p.m. ET (GMT-6:00)

International Customer Service Numbers:
Australia: 1 (800) 750-398
United Kingdom: 0-(800) 098-8925
Belgium: +32-78480292
Canada: 1-855-560-1020
Ireland: 1-800-948-639
Netherlands: +31-858880101
Sweden: +46-770791808

Want to become an It Works distributor?

If you’re more interested in selling the wraps, be sure to do your homework.

You can view the It Works distributor legal terms and conditions here.

According to the website, you can start your own business for $99 and potentially earn an average monthly income of $304.

They state: In 2022, 95.50 % of all Distributors (active and inactive) received income from It Works! and 4.50 % of all Distributors received no income at all. The average monthly income for all Distributors (active and inactive) was $304.

Take home message

In closing, here are a few key points to bear in mind:

  1. Whether or not Skinny Wrap “works” really depends on your own expectations and how you interpret their marketing claims.
  2. Marketing claims are much more subdued in 2024 compared to previous years (i.e., the removal of the word “cellulite.” There is still some ambiguity in phrasing which could be interpreted differently in consumers’ minds based on their expectations.
  3. Skinny Wrap is not a weight loss product. It’s a cosmetic product that might temporarily change your appearance. If you want to lose weight, you’ll need to change your diet and exercise habits. I’d like the company to be a bit more deliberate and explicit with stating this on the website.
  4. Skinny Wrap ingredients are likely safe for most people, spare the potential for a few localised allergic skin reactions.
  5. Consumers should be aware there is no product guarantee and refunds will not be issued for used products (only unused, unopened products). So if you’ve tried it and it didn’t work, tough luck.
  6. If you don’t want your credit card to be automatically charged for auto-shipped products, you need to be deliberate in following the company’s terms and conditions to the letter.  

In closing, I’d simply suggest that you fully educate yourself on the pros and cons of Skinny Wrap to ensure you make an educated purchase.


Friday 12th of March 2021

I know you’re not a financial advisor, but it’s incredibly irresponsible to invoke the MLM sales pitch language in your review. If you join It Works! you will not be an entrepreneur. You will be accountable to your upline, and you can be dismissed from the company for any reason. Small businesses cannot be shut down by their suppliers. If It Works! dismisses you, you can no longer receive commission, and can’t receive commissions on sales from your former downline. You don’t have to call it out as a scam (it is), but “be your own boss”, “set your own hours”, “own your own business”–all these are classic MLM pitches and make me question your integrity and claimed lack of bias.

Dr Bill Sukala

Friday 12th of March 2021

Hi Donna, On the It Works website, if you click on “Become a distributor” and look at the language they use, it explicitly states (in their own words): “BUILDING YOUR BUSINESS,” “Become a Distributor,” “Start earning on your own terms,” all of which is consistent with the language used in my article. You might want to contact It Works and ask them to change their phrasing on their website.

Denise McClinton

Friday 20th of December 2019

Do you provide wrap parties? Where are you located? Looking for Body Wraps & Defining Gel ASAP.

Dr Bill Sukala

Saturday 21st of December 2019

Saran wrap and aloe vera gel. Come on over to Sydney for the next wrap party.


Wednesday 2nd of October 2019

I would argue with the author of this article based on a huge amount of negative reviews from people who tried these wraps. I think people should search for It Works Reviews before reading the articles on the Internet. We all know that the content of most review articles is sponsored by the company itself...


Monday 21st of January 2019

Portion Control and a little exsersize . And you can still enjoy a dessert ?. We eat too much that is mostly why .


Saturday 29th of December 2018

It works is only temporary i have tried many of the produces and got no results after using them for 3-6 months. So i started going to a gym and changed my eating habits and i have lost almost all the weight and this was almost two years ago and i am still losing. it just take's time and determination and the right mind set and support

Dr Bill Sukala

Saturday 29th of December 2018

You're absolutely right Christa. I just wish more people subscribed to your tried and true wisdom. Until then people will try every quick fix gadget and gimmick in the book.