Hi, I’m Dr. Bill Sukala, a scientist and health communicator with decades of experience in nutrition, exercise physiology, clinical practice and research, and numerous consultancies to major health organisations. Dealing with my own undiagnosed pituitary tumour for over a decade transformed my understanding of health and wellness and forced me to dive deep into the neuroscience of habit formation and brain health. Drawing from my academic background, research expertise, and lived experience, I help people understand the science behind how scientific insights and mindset strategies can unlock human potential and drive meaningful personal transformation.

For much of my career, I’ve been known as a health and wellness expert – trained as a dietitian and exercise physiologist, with a PhD specialising in exercise for metabolic diseases like diabetes and obesity. I’ve consulted to major health organisations, published my research in science journals, spoken at conferences around the world, and have been interviewed on TV and radio by the media. I’ve done my best to stay fit by hitting the gym, surfing, rock climbing, hiking, cycling, dancing, and much more. Over the years, it seemed like I had it all together, but life has a way of catching us off guard when we least expect it – in my case, it was a serious health issue.
For over 12 years, I had progressively worsening symptoms such as fatigue, brain fog, and unexplained weight loss. Doctors repeatedly misdiagnosed and dismissed these symptoms and attributed them to countless conditions, but nothing improved.
Finally, in August of 2022, a more progressive doctor ordered a blood test that suggested I might have a pituitary tumour (a prolactinoma). A referral to an endocrinologist and an MRI later confirmed the tumour’s presence. All of a sudden, everything made sense. My disrupted hormones caused symptoms consistent with depression and anxiety despite having no obvious reason to feel that way. The personal and professional toll was massive on many fronts. It affected my personal relationships, strained my career, and made even the smallest of daily tasks feel insurmountable.
With medication, I was able to shrink the tumour and restore my hormone balance. Physically, I regained around 9 kg (~20 lbs) of lean muscle I had lost. However, much of the unhealthy thinking patterns that had plagued me before the diagnosis were still deeply embedded in my brain’s wiring.
At my lowest — what I call my “wilderness years” — I found myself applying the very principles I had taught for decades, but this time from the perspective of someone struggling to stay afloat. I dove deeper into the neuroscience of mental health, exploring how habits, mindset, and behaviour changes could support my recovery. I experimented, failed, learned, and slowly built new patterns that helped me reclaim my life. I still have my difficult days, but I can see that my trajectory is now moving in the right direction.
This personal journey reshaped my understanding of health. True wellness isn’t just about nutrition and exercise — it’s about cultivating a resilient mind, forming sustainable habits, and finding meaning through adversity.
Today, I’m passionate about sharing this deeper, more comprehensive perspective on health. Through science-backed insights and lived experience, I aim to provide evidence-based information to help others master their minds, build better habits, and unlock their full potential. If I’ve learned one thing, it’s this: Transformation is possible — even when life throws its hardest challenges your way.

I’ve been providing clear, concise, high-impact quotes and interviews on health, exercise, and nutrition to global media outlets since the 1990s. I bring a relaxed, comfortable demeanor to interviews, along with my professional qualifications and experience, to deliver credible and impactful health messaging to your audience. If you’re an editor, writer, TV/radio producer, or public relations firm looking for a media health spokesperson or expert commentary on healthy lifestyle topics, please contact me to discuss your needs.
As seen on
Cause Matters Podcast
How to Overcome Food Anxiety and B.S. Health Claims
The Enduring Menace of Detox Teas
RSN Racing and Sport
Interview on the Late Show with Kevin Hillier regarding sports supplements and regulation
ABC Radio – Sydney
Should Sports Supplements Be More Regulated?
6PR Radio – Perth, WA
Supplements Can’t Be Trusted. Interview on Shayna Jack sports supplement scandal
Sydney Morning Herald
Athletes told to assume any supplement they take could be tainted with performance enhancers
Sydney Morning Herald
Ministers seek immediate review of concentrated caffeine products after death
The New Daily
Introducing LISS, the next big thing in fitness
Triple J – Hack
Over-the-counter workout supplements ‘adulterated’ with steroids, stimulants
Women’s Health and Fitness Magazine
Fat vs. Sugar
Huffington Post
Why Does Our Stomach Grumble?
An exercise physiologist explains what it will take to win Australian Ninja Warrior
2GB Chris Smith Show
Activity Habits of Younger vs Older Australians
Health & Well-Being Radio with Ed Phillips
Walking vs. Jogging: Is Walking Enough Exercise
Huffington Post
Why Too Much Sitting Down Isn’t Helping Your Health
Huffington Post
Why Exercise Is So Crucial As We Get Older
About Pain
Aussie Seniors Exercising More and Beating Pain
FIVEaa Radio – Adelaide
Activity Levels of Millennials vs. Older Australians (click to listen)
Stuff New Zealand
How to Trick Your Body Into Being Younger
Sydney Morning Herald/The Age
How to Trick Your Body Into Being Younger (SMH)
How to Trick Your Body Into Being Younger(The Age)
2UE Radio – Daily Drive Show
Activity level of Millennials vs. Baby Boomers (click to listen)
Starts at 60
7 Ways to Stay Active When Living with Joint Pain
Coach Nine Australia
Overtraining, Under-recovering, Under-eating: The Three Biggest Gym Mistakes
Coach Nine Australia
A Timeline of What to Expect in 2017 If You Start Getting Healthy Today?
Fast Company
Can Drinking 8 Glasses Of Water A Day Make You More Productive?
Fit at Every Life Stage
Boys and Body Image: Am I Buff Enough?
Galore Mag
This One Phrase is the Biggest Red Flag That a Weight Loss Product is B.S.
The Logan Reporter
Free Gym Opens in Woodridge
Galore Magazine
Why You Shouldn’t Bother With Instagram-promoted Detox Teas
Food For Fitness UK Podcast
FFF 056: Busting Health, Fitness & Nutrition BS – With Dr Bill Sukala
Build a Great Home Gym for Under $500
Muscle & Fitness Hers
Can You Cap Out Your Calorie Burn? (Online)
Can You Cap Out Your Calorie Burn? (Print version)
Body and Soul
Weight Loss: Kitchen Gadgets That Help You Lose Weight
Fast Company
Here’s How A Month Of Exercise Affected My Brain
Huffington Post
‘Rapid Energy’: Creatine Will Give Your Workout An ‘Explosive Edge’
Daily Mail Australia
Should YOU Be Working Out for Less Than Half an Hour? From Kayla Itsines to Sam Wood, Fitspo Stars Claim That 28 Minutes is the Magic Exercise Time… But Why?
Sun Herald
Take a Stand
SBS News
Why Being Fat Doesn’t Mean You’re Unhealthy
ABC Radio (Australia)
The Health Benefits of Standing | Health Hacks with Kelly Higgins-Devine
She Knows
Melbourne Dad is Risking His Health by Eating Only Potatoes For a Year
The New Daily
Sixteen Easy Ways to Change Your Life in 2016
The Huffington Post
The Do’s And Dont’s Of Working Out In The Australian Heat
Channel 10 Eyewitness News (Australia)
Interviewed on the latest Australian National Health Survey results for 2014-15
The Huffington Post
What Are Pre-Workout Supplements And Are They Safe?
Body and Soul
Making Exercise a Habit: How to Get into an Exercise Routine (that you love)
Business Insider
How ‘That Crazy Body Wrap’ Took Over Facebook and Drove More Than $1 Billion in Sales
Good Morning America
Zaggora Hotwear May Help You Burn More Calories While Working Out
Daily Mail Australia
Do micro workouts really work? Fitness apps promise results in just THREE minutes a day… but experts say there’s a catch
The Huffington Post
The 9 Biggest Health Myths Debunked